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Conscious Relationship

Stop running after love.

Every woman can have the kind of loving relationship that she desires in her heart. And no matter where you are with your current situation: More love, sales or appreciation are already within your reach - even if you can't imagine it right now.

However: The way there does not lead through any manipulative tricks or tactical games, nor through more effort and struggle. (You may have already tried one or the other of these and found that it doesn't get you anywhere.)

It leads to more awareness.

Of course, too:
A woman who has wanted a committed love relationship for years but has no partner has completely different “homework” to do than a woman in a stressful on-off relationship who finally wants something desirable.

And no matter where you stand in the wide field of relationships:

I am here to guide you on your path and bring clarity - and the necessary skills - into your life.

Welcome to my world!

Hej, I'm Jessica!


I am a bestselling author from Germany, living in Ireland now - and I love the topic of relationships and true connection..

I have been accompanying people to clarify their relationship and interaction patterns, to remove everything that stands in the way of love and to remain in the fire of closeness.

For over two decades I have been dealing with the laws of resonance and attraction, with communication and with how fulfilled, living relationships can be achieved - externally AND, above all, with oneself.

I love showing people how they can think about - and live - love in a completely new way.

Numerous happy couples, engagements, weddings and now even babies among my customers speak for themselves. (Sometimes I still get updates from women years after a collaboration because they have made such a major change in their life and are receiving much more than they ever expected.)

It is clear to me:

What we desire and what we resonate with are two completely different things! I'm here to close this gap with you!

Mit Selbstliebe zum Traumpartner

»Darauf habe ich so lange gewartet: endlich ein echter Ausweg aus der Single- Sackgasse!« , sagt Eva-Maria Zurhorst, Bestsellerautorin und Beziehungsratgeberin über dieses Buch.

Das Kennenlernen läuft super. Die Welt ist rosarot, der Bauch voller Schmetterlinge. Dann das: Der Mann distanziert sich und scheint das Interesse zu verlieren. Statt klare Ansagen zu machen begründet er seinen Rückzieher mit fehlender Verliebtheit oder damit, dass er „doch noch nicht bereit für etwas Ernstes“ sei.

Kein Wunder, dass jede dritte Singlefrau glaubt, nur deshalb allein zu sein, weil sie ausschließlich auf bindungsunwillige Männer trifft. Doch das ist ein Irrtum. Verliert ein Mann das Interesse an einer Frau, dann nur, weil sie es schon vor geraumer Zeit selbst verloren hat. Deshalb gibt es nur eine Lösung: Dich selbst zu lieben. Wer Liebe ausstrahlt, zieht automatisch Liebe an. Außerdem darfst du dir deiner natürlichen Anziehungskraft bewusst sein und dich von weit verbreiteten Irrtümern wie „Mein Partner muss mich lieben wie ich bin“ oder „Liebe ist Geben und Nehmen“ verabschieden.

Mein Onlinekurs: Das Liebesgeheimnis

In weniger als einer Woche helfe ich dir dabei, Liebe neu zu denken und das Geheimnis lebendiger Wachstumsbeziehungen zu entschlüsseln. Denn den wenigsten Frauen ist klar, dass ihr größtes Kunststück darin liegt, einen interessierten Mann erfolgreich zu vergraulen!

Start: jederzeit möglich!

Every woman who wants a fulfilling relationship should be able to live it. There are a variety of complex reasons why love so often fails. It is very important to me to accompany you back to your true greatness as a woman so that you can fully develop your natural radiance and attractivity.

What clients say about Jessica:

I owe a lot of my inner freedom and serenity to Jessica. She guided me through life and relationship crises and encouraged me to take responsibility for myself. She follows her path in life courageously and consistently - a thoroughbred woman who always challenges me and at the same time encourages me to follow my own path with confidence.


M., Vienna


Working 3 months with Jessica brought more changes into my life than 5 years of therapy. 

S., Berlin


I wish, I would have learned at school, what Jessica teaches. I would have had prevented from so much suffering and pain and struggle in relationships and connections. 

K., Munich

Working with Jessica not even made me ready to attract - and marry - the man of my life, but also finding the job of my dreams, what fulfills me so much more than I could ever imagine. Jessica opened a completely new way of thinking, feeling and living to me. 

I., Hannover

"... listening to Jessicas teachings and working with her is something TOTALLY different then just reading books about self love, self parenting and all these topics... Amazing and competentely guidance."

U. aus NRW

To be honest: I had BIG dreams, but actually had no believe in achieving them when I started working with Jessica.
But by her questions and interventions and guidance I reached even more then I was hoping for! Whoever has the chance to work with her, should take it!

A., Berlin 

I've thought, love is about finding Mr. Right - but I've met only all the bad guys. I wanted to improve my dating skills, and then I've met Jessica. I learned, how my intern relationship with myself affects my experiences. I figured out, how less I've treated myself with love and respect. I learned step by step, what self love really means - and the moment I finally was just happy with myself and felt, that living with ME is enough - that I AM enough, and good the way I am! - I've met my soulmate. 

K., Cologne

What can I say... the relationship I am in now is far beyond all I have ever dreamed of. And the special thing about this relationship is not, that the HE gives me all I want - it is the fact, that I feel free and save at the same time in this relationship. It is that I feel loved and valuable, appreciated anyways and don't need him to make me feel like that.

K., Hamburg


Resonance Academy Gold
by Jessica Samuel

bestseller author - speaker - mentor
resonance expert